Dns Park Resmi Dihentikan, Terimakasih Layananya Selama Ini

Salah satu cara setting custom domain blogspot, yaitu merubah alamat blog dengan domain premium sendiri ialah dengan setting DNS di layanan free DNS Park, setting custom domain blogspot dengan cara ini sudah saya lakukan 10 tahun yang lalu, sejak tahun 2008 ketika pertama kali blog saya mr-mung.com diaktifkan dan dengan pertolongan tutorial salah satu master blogger legendaris o-om.com kesudahannya terwujud juga memiliki blog platform blogspot dengan alamat domain premium, dongeng ini saya abadikan dipostingan "Custom Domain Sukses".

DNS Park salah satu situs yang menyediakan layanan penyimpanan setting DNS gratis dan berbayar yang selama ini saya gunakan untuk setting custom domain blogspot baik yang memakai domain internasional menyerupai .com, .net atau domain Indonesia menyerupai .web.id, .sch.id, dan tertanggal 1 Agustus 2018 resmi dihentikan. Kabar akan dihentikannya layanan dari situs DNS Park sebetulnya sudah cukup usang saya dapatkan dari informasi resmi di email.

Dengan berhentinya layanan DNS Park, tentunya semua settingan blogspot custom domain akan bermasalah, atau blog yang masih memakai layanan DNS park akan segera tidak sanggup diakses, kecuali segera memindah settingan DNS ke layanan lain, namun jangan khawatir semua klien Mung Bisnis sudah saya pindah settingan DNS nya kelayanan DNS gratis penyedia domain internasional dan domain Indonesia.

Berikut isi email pemberitahuan dari DNS Park

The purpose of this letter is to notify you that DNS Park has been shut down and all services will cease operations immediately
DNS Park will be ceasing operations on August 1, 2018. All services will stop. Many of our customers use our free service, which we have been happy to provide for many years. Unfortunately, we are unable to continue both the paid and free service as the number of complaints coming from our community DNS and dynamic hosting service have steadily increased over the last couple of years. Unfortunately the nature of offering a free hosting service opens a business up to abuses — a few bad actors make this type of offering quite challenging to operate.
You are receiving this email because you have an account in our system:

You will need to migrate your DNS hosting to another provider before that date. After that time, we will no longer be available to provide assistance. Thank you for your past business and support. We wish you all the best for your continued success.
Due to the nature of dynamic DNS hosting, we are not able to transfer any dynamic domains nor any dynamic domain hosts to another provider. All changes in DNS settings should be made at your registrar. There is no need to make any changes on the DNS Park site as your account will automatically be deleted when we cease operations. We are not able to help with the transfer of any domains to other DNS hosting providers.
www.dnspark.com June 28th, 2018

Terimakasih Kasih DNS Park atas layanan gratisnya selama ini.

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